Get your s(l)oup -- and your vote -- on this Sunday at SLOUP.
$10 gets you a bowl of tasty soup and the ability to vote to support Cherokee Street homies the Firecracker Press in their effort to ... well, shoot. They can explain it better than I:
The crew at The Firecracker Press are teaming up with Kim Wardenburg (Artist/Printmaker), Carlos Dominguez (owner of Latino Americana), and Ana Rivera (of El Chico Bakery) to make fully printed, edible tacos this year during the SCG printmaker’s conference in March. We’ve been collecting stories from Cherokee Street businesses and residents in order to develop imagery that will be printed on tortillas, cooked, and made to order while you wait. The goal of the project is to build bridges between cultures in one of the most diverse neighborhoods in St. Louis, Cherokee Street. Stop by SLOUP on Sunday, January 30th from 2-4pm at the Contemporary Museum in St. Louis to vote for our proposal and help make this project possible.
Visit Firecracker's blog for more information and to read their proposal.